New Friends + Sally + Training
This is an ongoing environment, you’d stay in it unless you opt out.
I’ve been marketing for over 26 years, I’ve created AI bots, worked with programming algorithms, and am a Facebook beta tester (for more than 10 years)
I’ve combined this knowledge, experience and my passion to see others succeed to build this very unique package. This includes an “event” group where you can find your best prospects and convert them to sales.
Our focus is on real topics that help you find your best prospects AND build real, lasting connections.
Posts to the wall are about real struggles – time management, menopause, abuse, addiction, health struggles, mom guilt, meal planning, low self esteem, and more.
Helping you connect with those that have the same real life struggles AND NEED YOUR PRODUCTS!
Comments and posts are genuine, not required…
I also include my ds assistant, Sally Sales Maker, and TONS of Facebook sales training in my Vendor Lounge. You learn about the algorithm, turning connections to conversions, party tips and much more!
This program increases business growth by an average of 50% or more and has a 90% success rate as long as you take time to work the training.
It’s just $25 a month for all of that and to simplify it for ya:
1.-Sally Sales Maker assistant – this helps you in SO many ways as she’s trained for Facebooks algorithm.
Networking/event group – very active, very personal and will grow your network
Vendor lounge Training – group – where the training to help you increase sales all over Facebook is kept (which does include one on one coaching with me if you want/need it.)